
Engaging with our clients and communities and managing our impact as a company

Engaging with our clients and communities and managing our impact as a company

Lucion Services, together with Sendability, through the skills and expertise of our employees, aim to create real long-lasting positive change for the natural world and society, far beyond our immediate reach.

Collectively, we work primarily in the environmental management sector and are committed to supporting our clients and communities in protecting our environment through our business operations.

This year, the 26th annual summit for the global climate, called Conference of the Parties (COP), brought together almost every country on earth in Glasgow. Over the course of the conference, to mark COP26 as a group, Lucion Services and Sendability shared on social media our contribution to the UK’s climate movement through our engagement with clients and communities while we look at our impact as a company.

Below we have summarised our posts across the three themes:

Engaging with our Clients

Road to Net Zero

Sendability Consultants educate and advise clients on what are the best considerations to choose and discuss preferred project types to help businesses become Net Zero (and beyond). 

A short video at the link demonstrates the process which Sendability use to help Clients decide what carbon offsets projects  are right for their business:What to consider when choosing a carbon offset project

Read about our inclusion in The Sunday Times Business Owners Checklist where we share about our carbon reduction services and the importance of becoming a Net Zero business.

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